Starched lace window treatment follow up

Hello! I’ve been blown over by the response to my post about our lace window treatment made with cornflour. Thanks everyone!



I thought I’d pop in with the answers to come of the common questions from the comments section.

Q: Just how opaque is it? I am curious how much privacy this actually allows. 

A: I’d say it totally depends on your fabric. If you’d be happy with getting changed behind the fabric as curtains then the fabric will be opaque enough for this window treatment too. I actually have lace curtains in this same fabric, and in both instances I feel happy getting changed behind them if it’s light outside, but I wouldn’t hang out without my clothes on with the light on if it was dark outside. So if privacy is really important, just pick a lace that is more opaque than sheer.

It also depends how directly other people can look into your window! Our bedroom window isn’t super overlooked, although there’s lots of windows out the back, most of the angles are indirect and/or the other window is frosted.

Here’s some pictures (I had to stick my had out of the window to demonstrate as we couldn’t take a pic from outside!) to give you a better idea (remember, a thicker lace would give you more coverage).


This spooky picture is my hand pressed right up against the glass…



And this one is my slightly stubby arm reach out as far as it can, you can just make out my fingers.



Ok! Other questions…

Q: I’m interested in knowing a little more about the mixture. So it’s however much corn starch I want and match it with equal water and then boil the mix

A: You make a paste with equal parts cornstarch/cornflour and hot water and then add extra boiling water. In my case it was two tablespoons cornflour and two tablespoons water to start with and then I mixed in a cup and a half of boiled water from the kettle.

Q:  What about mod podge? Would that work as well?

A: We don’t really have modge podge here so I don’t know! It would be a bit more permanent I imagine. If it’s anything like PVA glue (I think it is) then I wouldn’t want to use it on wooden painted windows like we have, but it could work great on more modern windows. It would also be much more expensive. (The “glue” made out of cornstarch is essentially free!)

Q: If I used colored lace would the cornstarch show?

A: No, it dries totally clear (but goes on gloopy and white-ish, don’t panic!) It will probably go clear overnight.

Q: Can I see a picture from the outside.

A: Sadly this isn’t possibly in our flat, but Michal did this window treatment in her gorgeous over the door window and put up some pictures on her blog. It looks amazing!

Picture from

It’s well worth popping by her blog to see how pretty this looks from the inside, too.

If anyone else has any other questions, please feel free to ask away! (Either here or in the original blog post.)

40 thoughts on “Starched lace window treatment follow up

  1. Pingback: Annabel Vita » Lace window treatment with cornflour

  2. Michal

    No problem at all. I’m eternally grateful to you for helping me solve a 4 year problem. I just could never figure out what to do with that dumb window!!! I didn’t want to block out the light. This lace gives us way more privacy than I ever thought it would, while still being pretty and light giving. 🙂 You’re the best!! Take care. (((((glue covered hugs))))) Also, these pictures are poor camera phone quality. I hope to get an update with my good camera soon.



    1. Annabel Vita Post author

      OOoh, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work! At a guess I’d think it would be a bit trickier to get even but should be ok in the end!

  3. Ruth Ann

    So excited to try this! Just moved into a new house with French doors in our bedroom and did not want to cover them with curtains. I wanted to use lace, but didn’t want it to be permanent or damage the glass. Thanks, can’t wait to get it done!

    1. Annabel Vita Post author

      Hi Kaitlyn, I think it probably depends on your climate and what room you have it in. Ours dried solid and definitely wouldn’t go mouldy, but if you live somewhere humid, or get condensation on your windows, or use it a damp bathroom, then it may get mouldy.

  4. Theresa

    Years ago I lived in a house with side windows to the front door. Nearly drove me nuts trying to make curtains. I accidentally came up with the solution. I painted the windows with a watered down white glue, a small space at a time. The quickly applied wrinkled plastic wrap. I then put the glue over the finished window. When I went to sell the house, I just used a spray of water to clean it all off. Mine looked like a textured stain glass. The house was in Alabama, high humidity and it never molded.

  5. Jesse

    Didn’t work at all for me!! The cornstarch mixture didn’t stick it to the window, even when I soaked the fabric in it first! Just made a bigggg mess. Maybe i’ll try again later. Any tips?

  6. Rhyan

    I am thinking of using it in my bedroom. I get condensation but if it moulds it could come down and I would just clean it up. After all it’s not permanent. I use sheer drapes but wonder hoe much privacy I really get. This would give me another layer with out blocking the light.

  7. Misty Lundblom

    I bought film with a stained glass look for my front windows, but felt it would be too much to do the 3 side windows with that too. And it cost like $60. I’m deathly allergic to dust, so many window dressings are out of the question. This is perfect, I need to block out most of the sun, so I’ll be using a denser lace. I’m sooooooooooooooooo happy my friend posted this on fb for me. She thought of me instantly, I ADORE LACE! Whenever I make over something my friends say I Mistified it……. my name is Misty. LOL and lace is one of my major things. Thanx

  8. Kellie

    Lovely window treatment. I have a high window in our bedroom I can use this on. I also saw that you could put it over your window screens, which would be very pretty if you had a small screened-in porch and wanted more privacy. I did this same concept with patterned sheets and liquid starch (the blue stuff) on a bedroom wall years ago, and it stayed up for at least 5 years before it started to peel up in the corners. We then just pulled it down when we were ready for a change and it came off easily. Just had to wash down the wall. You could then wash the sheets/fabric and reuse them, but I didn’t do that. I saw it as an idea for people who lived in military housing and couldn’t do anything to their walls so would be great for renters.

  9. Marca Fragili

    Laundry starch for clothes like Sta-Flo would be better, cornstarch may attract bugs, cleans off easily you can hang cloth on the painted walls for wall paper with it and wipe it off after pulling the cloth down.

  10. Pingback: Lace window treatment with cornflour | Annabel Vita

    1. annabelvita

      Hello! It’s in the article linked above (first paragraph) but basically equal parts cornstarch and boiling water then add more water till it’s gloopy but still very thick.

  11. micky

    Looks wonderful, I’m wondering if you can see out. I would like the privacy but have a butterfly bush by that window. Thanks for the great idea!

  12. JayeBee

    Oh fabulous! I am doing the inside of a pantry door. I may try modge podge though for more permanency, since I don’t have to worry about the permanency factor. And I would worry about banging it taking stuff in and out of the pantry I was just going to put a curtain on the inside, but this is such a way fabulous idea!!!

  13. Kim

    I’ve just tried it in my kitchen, so far so good just waiting to see how it dries:) great idea I’ve been wanting a lace screen but I couldn’t handle the saw lol so this is a perfect alternative.

  14. Cj

    Great idea! I have three high windows that now have a peeling film on, light blocking. Replacement is expensive for just three small windows. I will search for a sheer, light beige/ off white fabric to try….need contemporary. To block sun, will put up three panels on tension rods….all to be made from one 84” drape panel found on clearance.
    I have worked on applying the thin plastic to windows and it is tricky. Need exact cut and must make sure to scrape water used to apply to the side to remove bubbles!

  15. Michelle Byham

    Hi! I’ve used your technique on my granddaughter’s windows & it turned out great! I’m going to be doing some of my own soon! I’ve mentioned this to some friends & everyone loved the idea but had a concern. So my question is in regard to the condensation & possible molding. I’m from NW Pennsylvania & we have have several months of snowfall – is it guaranteed to mold or is that just a possibility? Thanks for taking the time out to address concerns!!

  16. kelly

    Thanks for this idea..ive mastered it with black lace, silky light army green lace, in villa bay windows, french doors and aluminium dining windows.
    Am now about to attempt the ugly ranchslider in my sons room using a camo hessian, and home made mod podge..fingers crossed


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